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Terror attack on UK parliament leaves 4 dead and 20 injured

Terror attack on UK parliament leaves 4 dead and 20 injured
Britain’s Houses of Parliament came under attack on Wednesday from a knife-wielding assailant who ploughed a vehicle through throngs of people on Westminster Bridge before fatally stabbing a police officer.   英国议会大厦周三遭遇袭击,一名持刀袭击者驾驶一辆汽车在威斯敏斯特大桥上冲撞人群,随后刺死一名警察。
In the largest-scale terrorist incident in London since suicide bombers killed 52 people in July 2005, at least four people died, including the attacker. A further 20 were injured, according to police. 这是伦敦自2005年7月自杀式炸弹袭击者导致52人死亡以来的最大规模的恐袭事件,至少有5人死亡,包括袭击者。警方称,另有40人受伤。
The attack paralysed the heart of British government as members of parliament and government officials were held in lockdown for hours in the House of Commons, while Theresa May, the prime minister, was whisked away to safety by car. 此次袭击瘫痪了英国政府的心脏,议员和政府官员们在下议院原地待命好几个小时,而首相特里萨?梅(Theresa May)被迅速撤至安全地点。
President Donald Trump condemned the attack and called Mrs May to express US support, his spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters in Washington. 袭击事件发生在下午两三点,袭击者驾驶的四驱车辆向北穿过威斯敏斯特大桥,冲向大笨钟方向,沿途撞倒行人。这个地区通常有大量游客。
Angela Merkel, German chancellor, said the country stood “resolutely on Britain’s side in the fight against any form of terrorism”. Bernard Cazeneuve, the French prime minister, expressed “solidarity” with the UK. 这辆车撞向新宫廷院(New Palace Yard)——威斯敏斯特宫(Palace of Westminster)的一个主要入口——外围的栅栏,随后司机下车冲进大门。
The attack occurred in mid-afternoon when a 4x4 vehicle driven by the assailant careered northwards across Westminster Bridge towards Big Ben, knocking down pedestrians. The area is normally packed with tourists. 据称是中年男子的此人用两把7英寸的刀攻击一名警察,他随即被另一名警察开枪击中。
The vehicle crashed into railings surrounding New Palace Yard, a main entrance to the Palace of Westminster, before the driver ran round to force his way through the gates. 袭击发生后,已经在下议院的议员们被告知留在原地。
The man, said to be middle-aged, attacked a policeman using two 7in knives, before being shot by another police officer. 其他议员和工作人员最初被告知要卧倒,并远离窗户,之后被要求返回保得利大厦(Portcullis House)。白厅(Whitehall)周围的其他政府大楼也进入封锁状态。
MPs who had already been in the Commons chamber were told to remain where they were after the attack. 梅在下议院的一个投票厅投票时,便衣警察出现,要求她离开。
Other MPs and staff were initially told to get down — and away from windows — before being asked to return to Portcullis House. Other government buildings around Whitehall were also locked down. 伦敦大都会警察局助理局长马克?罗雷(Mark Rowley)周三晚证实,警方认为袭击“受到国际恐怖主义的启发”,“与伊斯兰主义有关”。罗雷透露,警方“认为我们知道”袭击者的身份,但他拒绝透露更多细节。目前警方仍在继续搜索袭击者是否有同伙。
Mrs May was voting in the division lobby of the Commons when plain-clothed officers appeared and asked her to leave. 罗雷表示:“我们对这一天有准备,只希望永远不会发生,不幸的是现在这成了事实。”
  美国白宫新闻秘书肖恩?斯派塞(Sean Spicer)在华盛顿告诉记者,唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)总统谴责这次袭击,并已致电梅表达美国的支持。
  德国总理安格拉?默克尔(Angela Merkel)表示,德国“在打击任何形式恐怖主义的斗争中坚决站在英国这一边”。法国总理贝尔纳?卡泽纳夫(Bernard Cazeneuve)表示与英国“团结一致”。





